I wish Life is fair

I was forced out from a tiny hole,
Cutting short, my 9 months enjoyment,
The muscles and the flesh holding and pushing me weakened gradually,
I was emotionally drained as I shrieked,
I couldn't opened my eyes, 

The moment I was completely forced out was the scariest moment of my life,
I felt a strange woman lying helplessly on the bed, with her both legs hanged,
Shrieked, Torn apart, looking scattered, sweat gushing out like a broken pipe.
I couldn't open my mouth to say sorry,
I only pitied her by crying out loud.

The first news that broke the silent by the man that held me was that the woman looking helplessly on the bed half dead is my Mother.

What?!!!, how can? ..... I cried the more.

I wish Life is Fair.

I grew to start learning difficult and different sounds apart from crying,
My parent were proud of me as I opened my mouth to make the first "Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta sound,
I started learning by listening to the sound of my immediate environment,
I learnt to stand up alone and take a step myself,

That's where the struggle started.

I wish Life is Fair.

I was forced to go to a strange place different from my home,
Where I met different faces with different mindset, belief, mentality, ideas, knowledge, culture, skills, styles, looks, way of life, size, dressing and backgrounds.
They call it a School.
I was forced to learn different subjects close to 15 in numbers,

Who cares?

I survived the early childhood education,
To start another level of learning,
No choice than to follow what the society say coming directly through my parent,
I started the next school with my innocent mind, 
Hoping to see what i have enjoyed in my previous learning,
But my heart was broken
Myself and all the kids with me looking navette (french)
Seeing different faces to teach me and the other,
Each taking turns
To teach Necessary and Unnecessary subjects and topics,
Each having different strengh, knowledge, skills, ideas, technical know-out, resources and time management skills, with personal problems reflecting on their voices.

I wish Life is fair.

I survived the first and the second phrase of formal education in a formal setting,
I gained admission into the University after several attempts re-sitting for O Level results.
I was happy and proud for the new progress,
But I was dark to the fact that I was going to a place that would force sweat off me,
The picture wasn't clear @ all.
I entered and my Life changed.
I slept in school several of times,
Enjoyment the harsh weather of the cold,
Whining with the wicked breeze of the night,
Dazzling on the desk with flies,
Telling Tales by the moonlight stories to the mosquitoes.
I broke down many times with heavy sickness,
Sickness I accommodated from stress, starvation and surviving,
I turned to a beggar just to feed myself,
I joined the labourers club just to buy lecturers materials to read for fear of losing marks,
I went to bed many times with nothing inside of me,
I attended lectures and attack stress with an empty stomach times without number,
I dressed averagely below because my mind has been threatened and comb towards the mutual disturbances of bad gangs here and there,
Sometimes, I denied myself some sleep, because I want to meet up with studies
Most times, I cheat nature and dare my eyes to open all night long, because the mosquitoes want me to keep their company.
I sacrificed a lot to enjoy the hardship of school (University, Secondary, Primary, and early childhood education)
I went through hell to make a learning in school,
"I am not talking about those that are born with the golden spoon, I am talking about those that lost their wooden spoon in transit".

I wish Life is Fair.

I graduated with a Pass,
Who am I to frown at my result,
Who do I even want to frown at? 


  -Tried my best
-Went through hell with stress, anxiety, worry, depression, and additional expenses that go with them.
 -It was mandatory for me to participate in each learning activities because I was told by the society that without it, my Life, my Existence, my Survival, my Purpose will be written off, making me a mistake.

My Parent? 

*That are trying hard to stand in one me the classes in the society,
*Having sleepless nights just to pay my bills, sacrificing their well being for me just to be comfortable,D
*Challenging the society for class categorising,
*Making a living with the penny our so called society gives out.

My Friends?

=Hustling and fighting as well as myself,
=Trying to clear their papers,
=Having their dreams and visions to focus on,
=Going through hell to survive also,
=Running helter-skelter to find possible solutions to their problems.

My Lectures?

~That wouldn't give time to read my scripts,

~That would came late to class,

~Lecture for minutes and expect me to know more,

~Receive AC while I suffer under the Sun for signing,

~Busy expecting those special kids born with golden spoon to come knock on their doors to pay their bills for higher marks neglecting those with lost wooden spoon to wonder about like a sheep without Shepard,

~That is busy screening the department for beautiful, attractive, sexy, ladies to make their nights precious with a sweet lap dance and a crossover fun sex to sweeten the mind.

The Society?

√That doesn't even know that I exist,

√That care less about my well-being,

√That keep making and breaking the rules,

√That doesn't recognize the poor but gives power to the rich,

√That doesn't encourage the creativity, skills, and the talent people from my crib has to offer,

√That doesn't give ears to the standing opinion and suggestions from the poor, except the rich alone

√That destroys the lives of the poor men that gets their hand dirty to keep a plate on the table to keep his family alive and pampered the rich men in Arvada that steal funds with just a blue pen and chair to sit on.

√A place where the poor are forced to worship the Rich.

√A place where freedom of speech and action is not guarantee.

I wish Life is Fair.

I prepared for another journey of a year,

Serving my father's land,

I traveled from my home to a strange land,

Meeting different people with different mindset, ideas, behavior, latitude, concepts, culture, language, style, religion belief, attitude, manners and way of life,

Nobody to complain to,

I accepted my faith and trust my believe,

Talking about faith and believe,

I learnt what the both does when my mother stop feeding me with my first delicacy,

Natural pure milk with chocolate and sugar mixed that I suck to bed as a toddler,

I suffered for a year,

Under the supervision of the society,

Not seeing the clearer picture of it,

PPA did not pay,

Salaries deducted and delayed,

Economy crashed,

Market collapsed,

Prices of goods increased,

Out of it all

Parent expecting recharge cards,

Siblings flashing for a token,

Niggas expecting bottles to fall,

With your additional expenses,

All, inside the #19,800:00 the society gives Per month.

I wish Life is Fair.

I survived the hardship of serving my father's land in a strange land,

A minute silent for those that lost their lives in the battle,

......................................................................... May their souls rest in peace.

I was released after one year of serious suffering,

I travelled back home with a mixed feeling,

My parent welcomed my happily,

Siblings embraced me joyfully,

Friends hugged me roughly,

Neighbors shouted for low over my arrival,

I love come again to this ugly street and environment,

I wonder as I close my eyes to Sleep.

I wish Life is Fair.

Months passed gradually without a sound,

Yet, no work, nothing to do than to stand with my parent,

Fasting, prayer, and meditation became my best friend,

Music became my escape route not to think,

Data doesn't leave my phone, to check for job opportunities online,

My phone always awake, for easy access,

I visit social media i:e Facebook, twitter, instagram, LinkedIn, and others more than I visit kitchen,

Society keep fighting to stabilize the economy,

Those that have the connection are connecting their families,

Those with power are empowering their loved ones,

Those with Money are buying live for their children,

Those with Mouth are doing great by making a say for his family,

Those that are strong in the society at large care less about who I am and where I came from.

I wish Life is Fair.

I was told to build my talent,

Focus on my ability,

Allow myself to connect with my inner passion,

I took my time to discovered who I am and what I was born with,

But it wasn't enough to relax on

I went for several auditions

Where I met several survivor

People whose voices can't be heard,

People who don't believe in hope anymore,

People who had sacrificed their passion and their big dream for money to survive,

Because choice is far beyond gone.

Oh nation I cried........

Oh earth bless the tear my eyes drops as I drop my pen.

Just like Everybody, I wish Life is fair......


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