Imagination is the element that separates humans from all creatures created. It is what makes humans unique and special. Our very existence is derived from the power that exist in our minds.
Most of the earth's creature have been given the gift of concealment through protective colouring, making them blend in so well in their environment that when they lie motionless, they become virtually invisible. This quality protects them from their predators. These Beautiful Creatures through endless evolution, have learn to copy the appearance of their immediate surroundings.
But what of mankind? He is among the weakest physical being of all creatures. He can be killed by a leopard one-fourth his weight or by a virus that's invisible. He has no protective colouring and can easily be seen in any type of environment.
But he was given a priceless treasure — a fortune. He was armed with the ability to reason, the capability to think and the use of his imagination. Because he can think, he does not need to blend in with his environment. He can make his environment change to match him.
Thanks to this gift. Humans have solves many riddle of life-shortening diseases; travels at the speed of sound; swims to the bottom of the sea; writes on the face of the Moon; challenge the creation of the earth; and will one day visit the farthest planets of the universe.
Yet, with the greatest treasure within, majority of people neither know they possess it nor use it, but spend the bulk of their time criticizing and mimicking others. Getting involve with fear, tension and low self esteem spirit, allowing it to block the gift of imagination. The gift from birth. The greatest gift of all.
The 9th Oxford Edition said and I quote: "imagination is the image-making power of the mind, the act of mentally creating or producing an object not previously perceived". Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind without any immediate input of the senses (such as seeing or hearing). Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process.
The extent to which an individual makes use of the gift of imagination will determine the kind of environment in which he or she will live.
Craving and creating a picture of what you want to be or where you are heading is the first step towards achieving success.
Albert Einstein said and I quote: "imagination is better than knowledge" to him, he believes knowledge is limited to what we see, hear, learn, know and understand but imagination embrace the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.
I completely agree with this precious quote of his. Yes we are nothing without knowledge but where imagination comes into play new knowledge is born. The fact that imagination without turning into something useful is such a waste but it can't be denied that everything that has led to great discoveries are part of someone's imagination. For me, imagination is way to unlock hidden doors.
Albert Einstein had it right when he said: “Reality is merely an illusion".
Reality is merely an outward expression of what we have chosen to accept and focus on in the world. But when we turn our thoughts to that which we want to create in our lives, the possibilities are endless.
With that kind of imaginative power, why have we decided to lose ourselvesr into the forest of ignorant, fighting a dead battle of self worth—less with the help of lack of purpose and vision knowing fully well it negative effect.
We have the power to create so much more and it is up to us to use our imaginations to change our lives and our world for the better.
The most important moment of our lives occurs when we understand that we can fashion our lives by shaping our imagination
Where imagination prevails, power may be found. If you want more out of life, be sure to demand more of your imagination.
You have the greatest gift of all buried deep down inside of your mind.
It's time you make use of your gift.
You are unique, you are special.