Series 1.

"Ultimately, we all want to be rich, wealthy and successful so that we can make impact (a difference in the lives of others), but before you can be successful, "you have to be a survivor".

To survive has been the first thing I have wanted to do, to be a survivor,

But the Journey was tough and full of downs beyond expectations.

It was filled with valleys, hills, mountains, desert, surrounded with streams of tears wiped with the rises of the Sun.

Surviving got harder, smile got lighter, thoughts got longer, eyes got dimer, heart got weaker, my mind saddened gradually

Sleep became something i got to pay for with the imaginations from my inner mind connecting with the pictures of where my future lies.

It was a tough year for the soul that didn't plan to pass the moment through the sand of time.

Lost counts of the moments I went to bed crying, hoping not to wake up the next Sun rise.

Can't recount the numbers of time I cried for help from people I shouldn't seek help from, even from networks "borrowing data".

Several times I wondered in the street of Lagos seeking for employment to gain insight of where I am going.

2017 taught me lessons that is beyond the four walls of a formal settings,

The year passed judgement on me beyond the years I spent sitting and receiving lectures from unknown professors and lecturers.

The year taught me how to control emotions and gave me the true definition of the word "humble"

I learnt to be humble the hard way after receiving rejections more than expected.

I failed more than the figures of numbers the rhyme of my tongue could pronounced.

Days I cried deeply and sincerely through the dark hour appeared quietly like a rattle snake without quick notice as my pen act on this sheet.

Moments I fought with my tears smiling away the dark side of myself,

Times I made myself available to people with my real self snatched away far from me by thoughts I couldn't comprehend.

Times, the other version of myself laughed the moment out with friends that have not the slightest idea, the marbles, the rain of pains and ignorance had washed off me.

To be continue...


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